Monday, May 31, 2010

Finding Joy - Day 2

Today's exercise in joy comes from a simple, everyday routine with our youngest cat, Boo. As you may have read, we currently have two cats:
Boo (isn't he cute?)


Holly (she's gorgeous and she knows it)

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted a cat who was a "cuddler".  Neither of these two fit that description.  Holly can be rather aloof, and Boo is far too busy doing other things that are much more important.  When we first brought Boo home, Holly was not best pleased with her new "brother".  And all he wanted to do was "play" with his new sister. And then she would scream like someone had just set her tail on fire.  To help ease the situation, I would often try to "redirect" Boo by playing with him. a lot. And so now he sees me as the Chief Playmate. Anytime I try to pet or snuggle with him, he streaks away and brings me back a toy. 

In an effort to help him expend some of his pent up kitten energy in a "positive way", I started having a set "play time" with Boo shortly after I came home from work each day.  It usually involves playing an enthusiastic game of "fetch" with a blue ball that has been "loved" as much as the Velveteen Rabbit.  And once I started this time with Boo, it became sacrosanct. 

Every night, as soon as I come through the door, he excitedly bounds up to me, crying enthusiastically, and drops his beloved ball at my feet.  And if I'm honest, there are times I don't really feel like playing right away.  Especially when Smaug is stomping about, or when I get in rather late, like tonight at 2 am. 

But here's the thing: this is the way Boo is expressing his love.  When I come home, his whole body quivers in excitement, and he cries out his joy in simply being with me.  He acts as though there is no greater moment in the day than when "mom" comes home "just" to play with him.

And even if he doesn't express his love in the manner I fantasize about, our routine is still an expression of love - my love for Boo and his love for me. And the more I don't feel like doing it, but choose to do so with joy anyway, the more love is expressed.  So this is why, tonight (or rather in the wee hours of this morning), after a long day and when all I'd like is to curl up under our cozy comforter and drift off, I find such joy in engaging in play time with my boy.  And learning to listen to the way in which he expresses his love for me.

1 comment:

  1. Boo IS a cutie. How wonderful to have a cat that loves you, and shows it so openly. I used to have a cat, and she would walk the other way when called!
